Hosted by the Safe States Alliance, the Livability & Smart Growth
Assessment Tools Database provides centralized access to basic
assessment tools and checklists that can assist users with evaluating
their communities' degree of livability and provide essential
information needed to create safer and healthier neighborhoods.
The tools within this database are searchable by community size,
assessment type, user role, and six topic areas developed as a
practical combination of the
and Smart Growth
To begin a search of all available assessment tools,
click "Begin Search."
Helpful Links & Additional Resources
Click here
to access helpful links and resources related to health, livability,
and Smart Growth.
Would you like to suggest a tool for the Livability
& Smart Growth Assessment Tools Database?
Send an email to the Safe States Alliance.
*Please note that any views expressed within and by
the resources listed in the Livability & Smart Growth Assessment
Tools Database are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent
those of the Safe States Alliance.
Click here
for a full listing of the resources available in the Livability &
Smart Growth Assessment Tools Database.