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Livability & Smart Growth Assessment Tool Database

Your search returned 82 results:

Tool Name Author Year Developed

Active Community Environments (ACES) Community Assessment Washington State Department of Health and Healthy Communities Washington 2012
An assessment tool that uses scoring in six areas to determine ways to enhance community health and identify ways to increase activity in communities.

Active Community Schools Workbook National Center for Bicycling & Walking and the Active Living Resource Center Unknown
A set of resources designed to help users think through community goals, determine needs, and better understand how to implement a wide range of existing active living tools, projects, and programs that put communities on the path toward becoming Active Living environments.

Active Independent Aging Walkability Checklist University of Ottawa and the Public Health and Long-term Care Branch, City of Ottawa 2004
This checklist is used to explore and assess the "walkability" of neighborhoods for older adults.

Allegheny Places Comprehensive Plan Consistency Checklist Allegheny County Economic Development, Allegheny Places 2008
Tool used by Allegany County municipalities to assess consistency of their current/proposed comprehensive plan with the county's comprehensive plan, "Allegheny Places".

Arlington Bike Survey City of Arlington, TX, Community Development and Planning and Transportation Planning Division 2009
A tool for residents to address problems inhibiting safe bicycling. Includes assessment of bicycle lane and path features, educational initiatives, and traffic enforcement facilitating bicycle use.

Bedimo-Rung Assessment Tool – Direct Observation (BRAT-DO) Louisiana State University School of Public Health 2005
A paper-and-pencil instrument used to visually identify and evaluate the physical characteristics of parks. Assesses physical, social, and environmental characteristics of parks.

Bicycle Friendly Community Scorecard League of American Bicyclists Unknown
A scorecard to help assess if a community is ready to apply for the Bicycle Friendly Community designation.

Bikeability Checklist Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center through funding from NHTSA Unknown
A checklist that helps to identify specific bicycling problems and offers suggestions on what can be done to fix them.

Built Environment Assessment Tool and Manual Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015
A direct systematic observation data collection instrument for measuring the core features and quality of the built environment related to behaviors that affect health, especially behaviors such as walking, biking, and other types of physical activity

Cape Cod Growth Management Audit Cape Cod Business Roundtable 2004
Simple tool for evaluating how well a muncipality's plans, practices, and policies support Smart Growth development.

Checklist for Green Congregations: Building, Grounds, and Practices The Web of Creation Unknown
Helps church leaders ensure sustainable and green practices and design at the church site.

City of Edmonton CPTED Safety Audit Safedmonton Working Group 2000
A tool to identify physical features in a community that may help reduce crime.

Colorado Smart Growth Scorecard Colorado Center for Healthy Communities 2003
A community self-assessment tool that uses principles of Smart Growth to spur discussion and action on community approaches to growth and development issues.

Community Assessment Tool Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, and the Federal Highway Administration 2010
A tool that serves to recognize existing walkable communities and to provide a framework for communities seeking to improve their walkability by capturing a variety of factors that affect walkability.

Community Street Reviews Living Streets Aotearoa and Abley Transportation Consultants Ltd. (New Zealand) 2010
A tool used to assess walkability from an environment perspective using peoples' perceptions.

Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors Craig Hospital 2001
A tool that allows the quantification of environmental factors and leads to a better understanding of the degree to which elements of the environment impede or facilitate the lives of people with disabilities.

Design Principles for Great Places EcoCity Cleveland 2005
A simple tool used to evaluate proposed and existing community developments.

Design for Health Checklists for Comprehensive Plan Elements Design for Health 2007
Includes checklists for comprehensive land use, neighborhood, and transportation (bicycle, pedestrian) plans. Also available in Excel format.

Designing Projects for Active Living: Developer's Checklist Premier's Council for Active Living, New South Wales 2011
A checklist designed to encourage the development of communities that promote and support physical activity opportunities.

Environmental Assessment of Public Recreation Spaces (EAPRS) Tool Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Active Living Research Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 2006
A tool that provides a comprehensive direct observation assessment of the physical environments of parks and playgrounds, with an emphasis on evaluating physical elements and qualities with respect to their functionality or potential functionality.

Environmental Supports for Physical Activity Questionnaire University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center 2002
A questionnaire that includes an assessment of physical and social environments, including perceptions of the community environment, safety, access to recreation, and conditions of the neighborhood and facilities.

Facilitators and Barriers Survey/Mobility (FABS) Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 2008
A measure of environmental features which facilitate or restrict participation in major life activities for people with mobility impairments.

Green Schools Checklist Illinois EPA 2003
A checklist of improvements that schools can make in their daily operations and facility design to create green and healthy environments.

Health Empowerment Zone (HEZ) University of Illinois at Chicago 2009
Short checklists that can measure outdoor environment land use and pathway characteristics to identify features that may be barriers for people with disabilities leading active lifestyles.

Healthy Community Checklist Michigan Department of Community Health 2005
A 40-item checklist that provides a quick assessment of a community’s health environment related to promoting and supporting physical activity, healthy eating, and tobacco-free lifestyles.

Healthy School Environment Assessment Tool (HealthySEAT) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2008
A software program available for download that can be used by district-level staff to conduct self-assessments of their schools and other facilities and to track and manage information on environmental conditions.

Healthy Schools Program Alliance for a Healthier Generation 2013
The Healthy Schools Program provides resources on specific changes to make for schools to become healthier environments. A Six Step Process is used as the roadmap for making school health change.

Home & Community Environment Instrument (HACE) Boston University 2008
A self-report measure focusing on aspects of the home and the community environment which influence community participation among people with disabilities.

Humboldt County Healthy Development Checklist Humboldt Partnership for Active Living 2008
Designed to help residents assess how a proposed development project or the existing ‘built environment’ of a neighborhood can positively or negatively affect public health.

International Physical Activity Questionnaire San Diego State University 2005
A self-administered instrument available in multiple languages that can be used to obtain an estimate of physical activity in a community and the extent to which the environment impacts physical activity.

Irvine Minnesota Inventory University of California, Irvine 2005
A tool used to measure a wide range of built environment features that may affect physical activity, especially walking. Covers accessibility, pleasurability, perceived safety from crime, and perceived safety from traffic.

Livable Communities Evaluation Guide AARP 2005
A tool used to help residents determine how they can make their communities more livable for older adults. Consists of a series of community self-assessment surveys identifying factors potentially affecting older adults’ independence and quality of life.

Maryland Smart Growth Scorecard Maryland Office of Smart Growth 2001
A scorecard to qualitatively assess how well a development project follows smart growth principles.

Measurement Instrument for Urban Desgin Quantities Related to Walkability University of Maryland, University of California Davis, and Saint Louis University School of Public Health 2006
A tool used to determine how urban design qualities of streetscapes impact walkability and active living.

Mobile, Ala. Smart Growth Criteria Matrix City of Mobile Planning Department Unknown
A points-based scorecard that rates specific development projects according to a set of smart growth criteria adopted by the City of Mobile. Can be used by developers in the development of a project proposal.

Mobility Checklist Upper Valley Transportation Management Association Unknown
A checklist designed to assess what makes walking, cycling, and public transit more viable and promotes mobility-oriented development through plans, policies, and zoning provisions.

Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey (NEWS) Various 2002
An instrument developed to determine the perception of neighborhood design features related to physical activity.

Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey (NEWS) - Scoring Various 2002
An instrument developed to determine the perception of neighborhood design features related to physical activity.

Neighborhood Observational Checklist Healthy Environments Partnership 2003
A tool used to assess social and built environments, including condition of homes and businesses, vacant lots, streets and sidewalks, traffic patterns, and parks and recreational facilities.

Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire The University of Western Australia, Deakin University, and National Heart Foundation 2006
A tool that measures recreational and transport-related walking within and outside of one’s neighborhood, and to assess overall physical activity.

Parent Survey About Walking and Biking to School National Center for Safe Routes to School Unknown
A survey administered to parents to determine factors that affect whether they allow their children to walk or bike to school, the presence of key safety-related conditions along routes to school, and related background information.

Path Environment Audit Tool (PEAT) Purdue University 2005
A computer-based instrument for trained observers to assess physical characteristics of community trails and paths, including design, amenity, and aesthetics/maintenance items.

Pedestrian Environment Data Scan (PEDS) Tool University of Maryland and University of North Carolina 2007
An instrument to measure environmental features that relate to walking in varied environments. Was designed to specifically address pedestrian concerns as well as minimize cost and implementation time.

Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index (PEQI) San Francisco Department of Public Health 2012
A tool used to assess the quality of the pedestrian environment and address pedestrian needs. Organized into 5 categories: intersection safety, traffic, street design, land use, and perceived safety.

Pedestrian Walk Audits and Checklists Various Unknown
Compilation of various walk audit tools hosted by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Intersection Safety Indices University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration 2006
A set of models that enable users to identify intersection crossings and intersection approach legs that should be the greatest priority for undergoing in-depth pedestrian and bicycle safety assessment. Uses observable characteristics of an intersection crossing or approach leg and produces a safety index score, with higher scores indicating greater priority for an in-depth safety assessment. The tool is intended to provide a rating of the safety of an individual crossing (Ped ISI) or approach leg (Bike ISI) rather than evaluating the intersection as a whole.

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Checklist Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Unknown
A checklist for planners to consider a variety of Smart Growth-based improvements to a community or development.

Physical Activity Resource Assessment (PARA) The University of Houston 2010
A short measure of the quality, features, amenities, and incivilities of different types of physical activity facilities.

Prevention Research Centers Healthy Aging Research Network (PRC-HAN) Street Segment and Intersection Audit Protocol and Tool Prevention Research Centers Healthy Aging Research Network, University of Washington and Saint Louis University School of Public Health 2005
An audit tool designed to measure community-scale and street-scale factors associated with physical activity in older adults.

Promoting Active Communities (PAC) Assessment Michigan Department of Community Health 2008
A web-based self-assessment tool that enables communities to examine their policies, programs, and built environments related to promoting and supporting physical activity.

Public Health in Land Use Planning & Community Design Checklist National Association of County & City Health Officials and Tri-County Health Department, Colorado 2003
A tool used to assist local public health agencies in their review of applications for new development or redevelopment plans. Can also be used to identify potential health impacts.

Recreation Facility Evaluation Tool University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center 2003
An instrument used to identify and evaluate parks, playgrounds, sports fields, aquatic facilities/pools, and recreation centers.

Safe Routes Start-up Checklist America Walks and Physical Activity Policy Research Network 2006
A tool for parents, school staff, and community members to identify the safety and popularity of walking and bicycling to school to support policies for improving current conditions.

Safety Audit Checklist for Dual-Use Paths Main Roads Western Australia 1997
A tool to examine crash potential and safety performance of the road or road proposal.

Senior Walking Environmental Assessment Tool - Revised (SWEAT-R) Oregon Health and Science University and Portland State University 2007
A tool for measuring a broad range of built environment characteristics that may be linked to active aging.

Sidewalk Assessment Tool University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center 2005
A 5-item tool used to assess each segment of a sidewalk: levelness, artificial items blocking the path, natural items blocking the path, cleanliness (litter), and surface condition.

Sidewalk and Streets Survey AARP 2014
A step-by-step toolkit for conducting a community walk audit

Slips Assessment Tool (SAT) Health & Safety Executive, UK 2006
A tool that calculates the "slip risk" and evaluates the slip risk potential of pedestrian walkways/surfaces.

Smart Growth Checklist for Municipal Land Use Planning and Management New York State Department of Transportation Unknown
Easy-to-use checklist for assessing whether current land use planning and management practices in a community align with the principles of Smart Growth.

Smart Growth Code and Zoning Audit Smart Growth Leadership Institute 2007
Tool for evaluting whether local zoning codes, regulations and standards align with Smart Growth principles.

Smart Growth Development Checklist City of New Westminster, BC: Planning 2004
The scorecard rates projects in six broad sustainability categories - accessibility, housing choice, efficient use of public funds, protect open space and natural areas, placemaking, and shorter commutes and more transportation choices.

Smart Growth Matrix Transportation, Planning, and Design Department, Austin, TX 2001
Points-based tool used to determine the Smart Growth attributes of a specific development project.

Smart Growth Policy Audit Smart Growth Leadership Institute 2007
An audit used to review the land use and development policies in a community to help achieve a vision for smarter growth.

Smart Growth Project Scorecard Smart Growth Leadership Institute 2007
Measures the qualities of proposed development projects to see if they correspond to the community’s vision for smarter growth.

Smart Growth Scorecard San Diego Association of Governments 2009
A scorecard that includes a set of 14 questions about land use, proximity to transit, accessibility, design and aesthetics, and other important characteristics.

Smart Growth Scorecard: Municipal Review New Jersey Future Unknown
A scorecard used to identify strengths and weaknesses in municipal planning and decision-making related to Smart Growth.

Smart Growth Scorecard: Proposed Development New Jersey Future Unknown
A scorecard based on general smart growth criteria and can be used by citizens and local officials to evaluate development proposals and the potential benefits and drawbacks they may bring to the community.

Southeastern Massachusetts Smart Growth Audit A Partnership for Southeastern Massachusetts Unknown
Points-based tool with questions relevant to rural and urbanized areas.

St. Louis Analytic Audit Tool and Checklist Saint Louis University School of Public Health 2004
A tool to measure the walkability and bikeability of street-scale environments as well as physical activity behavior.

St. Louis Environment and Physical Activity Instrument Saint Louis University School of Public Health 2006
An instrument that measures perceived environmental influences on physical activity. Includes a detailed assessment of walking behavior and barriers to being physically active.

Sustainable Communities Index (formerly the Healthy Development Measurement Tool or HDMT) San Francisco Department of Public Health 2006
A comprehensive evaluation metric of over 100 performance measures used to consider health needs in urban development plans and projects.

Sustainable Design and Green Building Toolkit for Local Governments EPA Region 4 2010
A toolkit for local governments with several resources for addressing local codes of ordinances that affect the design, construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of a building and its immediate site. Contains an assessment tool, a resource guide, and a guide for developing an implementation action plan for changes to the permitting process. It can also be used by members of the development community and other building professionals.

TOD Checklist Reconnecting America 2007
A comprehensive list of what to look for in good TOD projects and plans. This checklist is designed to help evaluate the specific elements and items that go into transit-supportive station area plans and development proposals.

Trail/Path Planning Checklist Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services 2003
A 10-step structed checklist designed to help get the establishment of a trail/path network started in a community, guide planning efforts, and measure progress.

Transit Score Walkscore Unknown
Online tool that rates how well a location is served by public transportation.

Twin Cities Walking Survey University of Minnesota, Cornell University, and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2003
A self-administered survey to measure the relationship between built environments, walking behavior, physical activity barriers, and total physical activity.

Vermont Smart Growth Scorecard The Vermont Forum on Sprawl 2000
A scorecard that allows communities to assess their own ability to handle projected growth and development. The scorecard is arranged into eight categories based on locally developed principles that describe smart growth in Vermont.

Walk Score Walk Score Unknown
Online tool that helps rate walkability by entering any street address.

Walkability Checklist Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Unknown
A checklist designed to help identify specific walking problems and provide suggestions on what can be done to solve them.

Walking Route Audit Tool for Seniors (WRATS) San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego Unknown
An audit tool that can be used to assess the features and traffic safety issues associated with a specific walking route.

Walking and Biking Suitability Assessment (WABSA) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health 2003
Tools that are used to assess the suitability of local streets for walking and bicycling.

Worksite Walkability Audit Tool Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2005
A tool that examines the suitability of workplace routes for recreational walking and the presence of features needed for persons with mobility impairments.

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